

The Reverend Joseph K. Smith

The Rev Joseph Smith joined us mid August of 2023. Father Smith was ordained by the Diocese of Upper South Carolina first to the diaconate in June of 2007 and later into the priesthood on February 2, 2008. After a few years as curate with St. Matthew’s in Spartanburg, South Carolina, Smith was called to be the first vicar of St. Christopher’s in Spartanburg.  Much like the churches in the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, St. Christopher’s also had its troubles with schism which led Bishop Dorsey Henderson to changing them to mission status.  Fr. Smith describes his five years with St. Christopher’s as some of the most fulfilling ministry and has prepared him for his tenure with Saint Francis.  No doubt his nine years at St. Mary’s in Wayne, Pennsylvania, also gave him the experience and confidence to lead the good people of Saint Francis now that they have become a parish.  Father Smith said, “I am so excited to get back to my roots in South Carolina, to be on Edisto Island serving where the Holy Spirit has led. I am excited!”

Our Lay Leadership

The vestry is the legal representative of the parish with regard to all matters pertaining to its corporate property. Each vestry member serves a three-year term and is elected at the annual parish meeting. A treasurer and a secretary are also chosen. These officers may or may not be vestry members. Led by the rector, the basic responsibilities of the vestry are to help define and articulate the mission of the congregation; to support the church’s mission by word and deed, to select the rector, to ensure effective organization and planning, and to manage resources and finances. Our current vestry members are –

Jim Gettys – Senior Warden

Bill Houston – Junior Warden

Thad Daise

Kathy Kuntz 

Jean Murray

Steve Stemkowski 

Bob King  and Steve Powers – Treasurer

Olivia Padgett – Recording Secretary