The Episcopal Church on Edisto's
Weekly Update

May 17, 2024
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Welcome to the Episcopal Church on Edisto

Day of Pentecost


Our New Name - Saint Francis Episcopal Church - will be official on June 15!
Bishop Ruth Woodliff-Stanley will be here to lead the installation of Fr. Joseph Smith as our Rector and make official our new name on June 15. All of the preparation work in anticipation of becoming Saint Francis Episcopal Church is coming to fruition! There is still work to do as we design our new logo, implement new signage, and present our new name and look to the community. This is a most exciting time in the life of our church! Plans are underway for a celebratory reception following the service. There will be more information to follow.

Parish Meeting May 26th After Church Service
Part of becoming Saint Francis is a new set of bylaws as well as articles of incorporation reflecting the change. The parish must come together and vote on the new bylaws. This is the official announcement to call a special meeting, the last one, of The Episcopal Church on Edisto, on Sunday, May 26th, at 11:00 am.

We will have two agenda items. The first will be our new bylaws. The second agenda item will be a property update. That portion of the meeting will be to inform the parish on all things property. We will hear from the property committee, the finance committee, and the treasurer, in addition to answering your questions.
Saturday, May 18 is Edisto Youth Recreation "Fun Day"
Our church will provide hot dogs, and drinks at the Edisto Youth Recreation Fun Day to be held Saturday, May 18, from 10-2 at the Pat Stuart ball field on Indigo Hill Rd. Thank you to all who have volunteered to help set up, distribute food, and greet the participants on behalf of St. Francis Church. Let's show our support for the young athletes in our community!

Special Pentecost Service on May 19, 2024
On May 19th, Pentecost Sunday, The Episcopal Church on Edisto and The New First Missionary Baptist Church (NFMBC) will be worshiping together at 10 am in the NFMBC sanctuary. Our choirs will be singing together as well - a first! Immediately following our worship, we will come together for a meal. Our goal is to be together, worship together, and break bread together. While our joint liturgy will not include Holy Eucharist as we know it, it's important to note that the classic definition of Eucharist is thanksgiving and communion. That is the entire point of our joint gathering. We give God thanks for each other. We want to do more than just wave at each other on Sunday mornings. We want to be in communion with each other. The leadership of both churches are committed to these goals.

Additionally, the Episcopal Church on Edisto will have a spoken Eucharist at 8:30 am that same morning, May 19, in our sanctuary.

Please remember to sign up in the back of the church to bring a side or dessert for the meal after the service. 
Vestry Develops Mission and Vision Statement
Our first draft of a new mission and vision statement is listed below. 

Saint Francis Episcopal Church is a happy, inclusive faith community that honors our heritage through worship, fellowship and service.

The vision of Saint Francis Episcopal Church is to be Christ-like in our service to the Edisto community and beyond, living our faith in a way that inspires others to “come and see” (John 1:39).

Celebrating May birthdays: Shelagh North-Coombs, 5/3; Carla Cantrell, 5/6; Laura Goldsmith, 5/6; Ginny King, 5/7; Dean Habhegger, 5/13; Elizabeth Galaida, 5/14; Joseph Smith, 5/18.
Prayer List as of May 16, 2024 

Trisha Anderson
Sam Bowling
Eli Gambon
The Gambon Family
Joe Glessner
Linda Harris
Mary Hendrix
Catherine Main
Abigail Merritt
Davies Merry
Patty Molnar
Barbara Owens
Charles Pardee
Cheryl Van Metre
Bobby Smith
Etta June Williams
Faithfully Departed List: 
Leroy Gadsden, brother of Lavinia Armstrong
Damien Heyward, friend of Susanne Nash
Martha Smith, sister-in-law of Susanne Nash and Gretchen Smith


Seeking Coordinator(s) for Transportation Program
The outreach committee is aware of needs for Edisto residents to travel to medical and dental appointments at the Good Samaritan Clinic, as well as to the Senior Center. What was previously known as the "LIFT" program is undergoing review with an eye toward planning local transportation in the near term. We need a volunteer to work with local community programs to assist those who need a ride to obtain services. If you are interested in helping with the coordination of this assistance and/or have questions, please contact Fr. Joseph.

Blessing Box Contributions are Needed
Don't forget to bring your items for both blessing boxes. Items may be placed in the basket at the back of the church and will be taken up by the ushers during the offering. The one with the red door is for school supplies - notebooks, pencils, crayons that don't melt, paper, etc. The blessing box with the white door is for non-perishable food items and other household items.  In today's economy, your gesture of kindness will certainly be a blessing to someone in our community. 

If you are willing to help a fellow parishioner with a meal when needed, please contact Jean Murray at Hearts and Hands to get on her list - jsmur62@gmail.com

The Episcopal Church on Edisto
1650 Highway 174
Edisto Island, SC 29438


Vestry Phone Numbers
Fr. Joseph Smith (843) 603-2386 - Rector
Jim Gettys (843) 906-7767 - Senior Warden
Bill Houston (303) 886-6552 - Junior Warden
Thad Daise (202) 552-9131
Kathy Kuntz (770) 235-5963
Jean Murray (540) 850-6788
Steve Stemkowski (704) 608-6770

Copyright © 2013. Episcopal Church on Edisto,  PO Box 239, Edisto Island, SC 29438. All rights reserved.

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